Articles Tagged with Slip and fall accidents

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Winter  is coming,  and with it comes the risk of slip and fall accidents that can result in  serious personal injuries.  Doctors are warning pedestrians, especially the elderly, to be extra cautious while walking during the season.

Atlanta sees  more than its share of snowy, wet and icy conditions during winter, and these can provide ideal conditions for a slip and fall accident.  Sidewalks  and paths can be covered with black ice that may be invisible, but  treacherous enough to cause a fall.

What is the best thing you could do to prevent a slip and fall accident this winter?  The  answer is surprisingly – walk like a penguin.  Slip and fall safety experts say that walking with short, slow steps is the ideal walking pace to prevent a slip and fall accident this winter.  Use heavy, weighted   steps  and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Avoid walking fast even if the path ahead seems safe and free of ice.  Avoid  taking long strides that can make it hard for you to prevent a fall.

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Persons who have suffered a traumatic brain injury due to an auto accident or any other type of accident may suffer from long term consequences that are very similar to the symptoms suffered by persons living with a chronic condition.

Those  conclusions came from a new study recently published in the Neurology journal.    The  researchers analyzed data on more than 900 patients who had suffered mild traumatic brain injury like concussions  as well as 200 patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, and compared these patients to a group of  150 patients with no history of a traumatic brain injury.  Brain injuries are frequently suffered by persons involved in car accidents, slip and fall accidents and even due to medical malpractice. As  part of the research, the persons were asked about physical symptoms like headache and  fatigue.   They were also asked about their thinking abilities, especially  the ability to  perform daily and routine tasks,  as well as their overall mental health and memory.

They  found in their analysis that 21% of the persons with a mild brain injury suffered declines overall, compared to 26% of the persons with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.  Among  the  persons with no brain injury, the decline was just 15%.

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Persons who have suffered spinal injuries in car accidents or fall accidents may suffer from dangerous drops in their blood pressure.  A  new implant can help circumvent this problem.

A person who has suffered a spinal injury may suffer from dangerous drops in blood pressure when he tries to move from a sitting to a standing position.  In  such cases, the person may feel dizzy or nauseous when he moves or stands. In some cases, the person may even faint as a result of the drop in blood pressure.  An extremely severe drop in blood pressure can even have possibly fatal consequences.

The conservative approach to treating this  problem of dips in blood pressure in spinal injury victims has been to prescribe a high – salt diet or compression stockings.  However,  even with the use of such methodologies and aids, victims continue to complain of dizziness and other problems.

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With an increasing senior population in Georgia, public spaces should be re- evaluating fall accident risks, especially those involving elderly citizens. Whenever a person falls, they are at significant risk of personal injury and even wrongful death. While often overlooked, improving protections against fall is an important step in preventing slip and fall accidents.

A new report finds that just 5 simple and basic steps can help reduce the risk of slip and falls involving the elderly. The results of the study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews says that as many as a third of elderly people suffer slip and fall accidents every year and many of these falls occur in the person’s own home.  However, the basic risks involved remain the same, whether it is a home or a public property. Cluttered floors, lack of illumination, and lack of adequate handrail systems contribute to a large number of all slip and fall accidents involving senior citizens every year. In addition, guardrails are important to preventing slip and falls on stairs which often result in catastrophic personal injury.

According to the report, the five basic steps that can help reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents include decluttering floors, lowering slip and trip threats, installing appropriate hand- rail systems wherever necessary, improving lighting in corridors and stairwells and installing non – slip material on staircases.  Taking these five simple measures, according to the report, can lead to a 38% reduced drop in the risk of slip and fall accidents involving the elderly.

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People who have suffered an alcohol related personal injury, like an injury that results from a drunk driving car accident,  may have their chances of dying in the year after the injury increase significantly.

As the holiday season commences, it is important for Georgia motorists to understand that driving under the influence of alcohol, or otherwise using alcohol irresponsibly in a manner that  causes them personal injury may actually increase  their chances of dying in the year after the injury.  According to the results of a new study that was published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, when a person suffers an injury of the kind that results from an alcohol -related car accident, or any alcohol-related accident, especially an injury that is serious enough to require hospitalization, the chances of the person dying after the injury increase by a staggering 5 times.

The researchers looked at people who suffered from alcohol – related disorders and analyzed their fatality risk after suffering a serious personal injury related to their alcoholism.  Different types of injuries were studied as part of the research. These injuries include those that result from drunk driving accidents as well as slip and fall accidents which are common when a person is inebriated and not in complete control of his senses. The researchers also included those injuries that occurred as a result of attempted self-harm,  or  when the person is involved in drunken fights.

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Snow and ice accumulation, freezing conditions, slippery surfaces – all of these can combine to present dangerous conditions and serious slip and fall accident risks for seniors in Georgia.

Seniors may be at an especially high risk of falls, compared to younger adults, but these risks are more pronounced during the winter. Seniors, in fact, are much more likely to suffer falls during winter, compared to other times of the year due to more dangerous weather and ground conditions.  These accidents can be serious because a senior can take much longer to bounce back from a fall accident that results in fractures and other injuries, compared to a younger person.

A fall may be much more serious in a senior citizen because his bones are brittle and weaker making them more susceptible to a break or a fracture. Young people are much more likely to suffer sprains, while older persons are much more likely to suffer fractures in a slip and fall accident. Additionally, fractures are more difficult to heal in a older individual. Some types of fractures, like hip fractures, can permanently impair or restrict a person’s mobility.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has required restaurants, hotels, malls and other commercial establishments that are open in Georgia to adopt certain protocols to maintain safe health standards.  However, sanitization and social distancing protocols at these facilities may actually increase the risks of slip and falls at these establishments.

Businesses are now expected to protect not just employees, but also patrons, including customers and guests.  Facility Executive, a publication that caters to facility maintenance, has advice for businesses that are looking to reopen in the new “normal.”   The new sanitization protocols can lead to the creation of several unsafe slip and fall risk zones around an establishment.  It is important for businesses to identify these potential slip and fall risk zones, and take steps to mitigate the risks of fall accidents in these areas.

At many of these businesses, handwashing protocols will reign supreme. The areas around hand sanitization and washing stations are at special risk. Many of these handwashing counters are situated right at the entrance, which means a greater possibility of spillage of liquids and sanitizers on the floor, comprising a possible fall risk, when people enter the establishment.

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A Tik Tok stunt that has recently gone viral places teens at a high risk of brain injury and spinal injury.

The “Skull Breaker” challenge on the popular platform Tik Tok involves two teens pulling the legs out from under a third person who is essentially the victim. The resulting fall can cause a serious spine injury or brain injury. In fact, hospitals around the US have reported serious neck, spine and brain injuries linked to the stunt gone horribly wrong.  And now that more children and teens are home due to schools being cancelled, the incidence of these injuries is rising.

Basically, the stunt involves tricking a third person into jumping, and sweeping their legs out from under them as they jump. When the victim falls, he is likely to sustain a severe impact to his skull, resulting in a head or brain injury. Other possible injuries include a spinal injury as the back sustains the maximum impact of the fall. These injuries have led to several hospitalizations.

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A slip and fall accident on someone else’s property can result in serious injuries. If your fall occurred on another’s property, you may qualify to file a legal claim to recover compensation for your medical expenses and other costs. However, it’s important to take the right steps after a fall, so that you maximize your chances of protecting your legal rights.

It is important to remember, that the property owner will most likely try to show that your accident was a result of your own negligence, or that there was no negligence on his part. Georgia’s slip and fall laws require that you prove that the property owner had knowledge of the dangerous conditions that caused the injury, and failed to take any action to keep those on the property safe.

Here are the 5 most important things you can do to protect your rights after a fall.

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There are certain times of the year when the risk of being in a slip and fall accident is higher.  It is no surprise that winter, and especially the holiday season, brings with it conditions that increase the likelihood of a fall accident.

The coldest weeks of the year bring with them roads, driveways and sidewalks covered with ice, snow and sleet that make for very slippery and dangerous conditions. It’s no surprise that you have a greater risk of a slip and fall when you have to walk on roads and surfaces that are wet with ice and snow.  What’s worse, these slip and fall accidents can leave you with serious injuries that can have long lasting impacts on you and your family.  This is especially true with the black ice conditions that Atlanta and the north Georgia area commonly see during the winter months.

The winter holiday season also brings with it its own conditions that increase the risk of a slip and fall accident.  This is not only because the holidays occurs during the coldest part of the year, but holiday shopping, entertaining and attending parties all increase the likelihood that you will be out and about in the dangerously slippery conditions, instead of being safe at home.   Even more, if the area where you are walking has not been properly maintained for winter conditions, your risk of sustaining a fall and being injured is even greater.

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