Articles Tagged with abuse

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People who have suffered an alcohol related personal injury, like an injury that results from a drunk driving car accident,  may have their chances of dying in the year after the injury increase significantly.

As the holiday season commences, it is important for Georgia motorists to understand that driving under the influence of alcohol, or otherwise using alcohol irresponsibly in a manner that  causes them personal injury may actually increase  their chances of dying in the year after the injury.  According to the results of a new study that was published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, when a person suffers an injury of the kind that results from an alcohol -related car accident, or any alcohol-related accident, especially an injury that is serious enough to require hospitalization, the chances of the person dying after the injury increase by a staggering 5 times.

The researchers looked at people who suffered from alcohol – related disorders and analyzed their fatality risk after suffering a serious personal injury related to their alcoholism.  Different types of injuries were studied as part of the research. These injuries include those that result from drunk driving accidents as well as slip and fall accidents which are common when a person is inebriated and not in complete control of his senses. The researchers also included those injuries that occurred as a result of attempted self-harm,  or  when the person is involved in drunken fights.

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