Articles Tagged with slip and fall

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Persons who have suffered a spinal injury in car accidents or motorcycle accidents are at a much higher risk of suffering heart disease down the line.

That information comes from a study conducted in Korea where researchers analyzed data on more than 5,000 patients who had suffered lumbar, cervical or thoracic spinal injury. They were looking at how many of these spinal injury survivors developed heart conditions including myocardial infarction, heart failure and atrial fibrillation.  They found that persons who had suffered lumbar and cervical spinal injury had a greater risk of myocardial infarctions and heart failure.   The rates were slightly higher among those persons who had suffered severe disability as a result of their spinal injury.

The  researchers believe that one of the reasons for this is the fact that spinal injury survivors have very limited mobility and ability to exercise.  This  causes the heart muscles to become weak due to the lack of exercise. The   researchers also believe that it is important for doctors  treating a person with spinal injury to factor in the increased risk of cardiac disease, including myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation and heart failure. It is important for spinal cord injury survivors and their families and caretakers to understand the higher risk of these specific heart conditions as a result of the injury.  More  education and awareness is needed,  and greater efforts must be put into   patient counselling.

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Over the past 2 decades, there has been a staggering increase in the number of fatal slip and fall accidents involving American seniors,  with the rate doubling during this period of time.

Slip and fall accidents are a major cause of wrongful deaths and personal injury involving seniors,  and in fact, according to some statistics, contribute to the highest number of wrongful deaths involving seniors every year.   However, a new study shows exactly how alarming those risks are, and how dramatically those wrongful death rates have increased. The study by researchers at the Pennsylvania State University shows that in 1999, there were a total of 10,100 fatal slip and fall accidents involving American seniors above the age of 65.  By the year 2020, that number increased to 36,500  fatal slip and fall accidents involving seniors.

That is a staggering increase, and seems to show that in spite of advancements in fall protection for seniors, these personal injuries are only increasing.  The researchers say that there simply is not enough of a focus on slip and fall prevention involving senior citizens, and that is contributing to this increase. The study also shows that fatal slip and fall accident rates  seem to  have increased among all categories of seniors since 1999.  Rates seem to have increased for both men and women. White male adults had the highest slip and fall death rate with as many as 78 deaths for 100,000 population in 2020. Fall-related death rates also rose for black, native American, Hispanic and Asian seniors.

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