
Articles Posted in DUI Accidents & Dram Shop


Highway Safety Group Gives Georgia Good Ranking

Auto safety group Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety has released its annual report on performance and highway safety measures. This year, Georgia has been ranked well, notching up a Green ranking, the highest on the list, a finding that is encouraging to the Atlanta car accident attorneys at our…


Report Finds Widespread Drugged – Drunk Driving

A new study finds that a significantly high number of people who consume alcohol and drugs go ahead and operate a motor vehicle after doing the same, raising their risks of being involved in an auto accident. According to the study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, as many…


High Visibility Enforcement Campaigns may help Reduce Auto Accident Fatality Numbers

Even as federal transportation authorities grapple with a spike in deaths in all types of car accidents, a new study finds that high visibility traffic enforcement campaigns may possibly hold the key to reducing those numbers and keeping motorists safe. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently revealed that auto…


Combination of Safety Campaigns and Strong Action Most Effective in Preventing Car Accidents

The federal administration spends millions of dollars in traffic safety campaigns every year.  An analysis of the effectiveness of these campaigns finds that unless these education campaigns are also combined with practical action, they may have a very limited impact on traffic safety or the number of car accidents which…


NHTSA Finds Lower Blood Alcohol Limit Reduces Accident Numbers

Drunk driving accidents can result in serious, if not fatal, injuries and have devastating consequences on all those involved. When states lower the maximum blood alcohol concentration level that a motorist can be driving with in his system, it can lead to an overall reduction in the number of people…


Most Drunk Drivers Wrongly Believe they are Fit to Drive

It is well known that alcohol impairs a person’s judgment and reflexive abilities which is why someone who has been drinking should not be behind a wheel.  However, most motorists underestimate exactly how drunk they are and almost always mistakenly believe that they are fit to drive. Not surprisingly, a…


Past Driver Behavior is a Major Accident Indicator

Drivers who have a history of rash or negligent driving practices are very likely to continue indulging in these practices in the future, increasing their risks of an accident. According to researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, past driver behavior is a very good indicator of future accident risk.…


How Georgia can Reduce Risk of Wrong Way Driving Accidents

According to a new report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the number of wrong-way driving accidents in the U.S. increased by almost 35% in recent years.  Most wrong way driving accidents are the result of drunk driving, but they can also be caused by mistakes by older drivers…


Binge Drinking Increases Spring Break Accident Risks

With students across Georgia gearing up to have fun over spring break, it’s important for parents and colleges to understand the very high incidence of binge drinking during this season, and the resultant elevated risks of being involved in drunk driving accidents. Binge drinking is a contributor to several drunk…

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